Re-Root-Tex is a Pineapple waste innovation that reduces your water use and C02 consumption as the plant is not grown specifically for fibre, you are utilising something that would be usually incinerated or go to landfill.
Utilising this type of agricultural waste reduces not only the inputs of the fibre itself but the outputs from the food industry, making it doubly impactful.
The particular process for the pineapple waste is unique in the sense that it has been specially formulated without chemical interaction. This is a process unique to us at Re-Root Tex. This is backed by research made for a PHD created by ‘Rony Khan’ founder of Re-Root-Tex
The first fabrications will be suitable for your jersey production, single jersey suitable for t-shirt weight items. Mixed 50/50 with GOTs organic cotton, the first to create at a 50/50 mix with the softness needed, created by a natural enzyme wash (no harsh chemicals)